11th March 2022 - Armenia, Asia |
Armenia: At a special 9th March sitting, the National Assembly adopted the law “on reduction and prevention of health damage as a result
10th March 2022 - Estonia, Europe |
Estonia: The Tax and Customs Board informed TobaccoIntelligence that it collected €1.12m in heated tobacco taxes and €5.7m in nicotine pouches taxes in
10th March 2022 - North America, United States |
US: The 2022 Omnibus Bill passed the House last night. It includes language that would give authority to the FDA to regulate products containing
10th March 2022 - Europe, Latvia |
Latvia: The State Revenue Service has informed TobaccoIntelligence that the excise duty revenue for 2021 for heated tobacco amounts to €10m. The revenue
9th March 2022 - North America, United States |
US: A rider has been added to the 2022 Omnibus Bill which includes language that would give authority to the FDA to regulate products
9th March 2022 - Europe, Hungary |
Hungary: The Ministry of Finance told TobaccoIntelligence that the excise duties applicable to smokeless tobacco products, currently at HUF19,160 (€50) per kg, generated
9th March 2022 - Paraguay, South America |
Paraguay: The National Health Surveillance Authority (DINAVISA) confirmed to TobaccoIntelligence that nicotine pouches are regulated by Decision 153/2021 on requirements to register e-cigarettes and other nicotine
9th March 2022 - Europe, Finland |
Finland: The amendment to the Tobacco Act was introduced in the first reading in the parliament yesterday. At this stage, the content of
7th March 2022 - Europe, United Kingdom |
UK: The Official All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for vaping reiterated that snus should no longer be illegal in the UK. “It should be folded
7th March 2022 - Asia, Vietnam |
Vietnam: Answering the request of the Ministry of Finance to evaluate the current tax policies, the Vietnam Federation of Trade and Industry suggested adding new-generation tobacco products
Rhode Island: Several new bills have been introduced. Among them, House Bill 7805 would prohibit the sale of tobacco products in pharmacies and would
US - California: At its latest meeting, the Monterey County Board of Supervisors approved the first reading of an ordinance to ban sales of single-use e-cigarettes
US - Indiana: Senate Bill 382 has passed the House and been returned to the Senate after amendments. This bill defines “alternative nicotine products”
US - Arizona: House Bill 2125 has failed the House third reading. This bill would have required tobacco vendors to have a valid tobacco
US - Virginia: Senate Bill 223 has passed the House after minor amendments. This bill prohibits student athletes from earning compensation for the use
3rd March 2022 - Croatia, Europe |
Croatia: The Ministry of Health has updated the publicly available list of notified tobacco products.
2nd March 2022 - Denmark, Europe |
Denmark: Yesterday, the health ministry announced that Nicoventures and Danish tobacco company House of Prince are suing the government for having adopted “illegal” regulations. Health minister Magnus
1st March 2022 - Europe, United Kingdom |
UK: Asked about a formal assessment of snus, Maggie Throup, parliamentary undersecretary for health, reiterated that the health department has not undertaken its
1st March 2022 - Asia, Malaysia |
Malaysia: The first sitting of the Dewan Rakyat (Malaysian lower parliamentary chamber) in which the bill banning the sales of vaping products to
28th February 2022 - Missouri, North America, United States |
MissouriHouse Bill 2786 has been introduced. This bill would raise the minimum age from 18 to 21 for purchasing and possession of tobacco
UK: Maggie Throup, parliamentary undersecretary for health, said the department is reviewing the regulatory framework for tobacco-free oral nicotine pouches. Throup also reiterated that
28th February 2022 - Asia, Turkmenistan |
Turkmenistan: The president has adopted the 2022-2025 National Program to turn Turkmenistan into a tobacco-free country, media reports. Reportedly, the national program provides
25th February 2022 - Europe, Sweden |
Sweden: From February 2020 to March 2021 the government held an investigation to ensure a coherent and systematic regulation of tobacco, e-cigarettes, and
23rd February 2022 - Idaho, North America, United States |
Idaho: Senate Bill 1284 has been introduced. It would raise the age of legal possession and use of tobacco products and "electronic smoking devices"
22nd February 2022 - Turkmenistan |
Turkmenistan: The Ministry of Health has prepared a draft national programme for 2022-2025 aiming to make Turkmenistan tobacco-free country, state media reports. The
21st February 2022 - United Kingdom |
UK: The British Standards Institution (BSI) has published a publically available specification (PAS) on the composition, manufacture and testing of tobacco-free oral nicotine
West VirginiaSenate Bill 635 has been introduced, which would amend the Tobacco Products Excise Tax Act. It would change the definition of “electronic
21st February 2022 - Europe, Italy |
Italy: The Budget Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, as part of the approval of two amendments for the conversion into law of Decree-Law 228/2021 presented
17th February 2022 - Maryland, North America, United States |
US (Maryland): House Bill 1227 has been introduced. It would specify that a “tobacco product” includes certain products that are made of, derived from,
17th February 2022 - North America, United States |
US: The US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas last week issued an order in the case of RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co
17th February 2022 - Europe |
EU: The European Parliament voted yesterday, 16th February, by 652 votes to 15, with 27 abstentions, in favour of adopting the Special Committee
16th February 2022 - Europe, Ukraine |
Ukraine: Bill 5719, adopted yesterday, provides for a change in the mechanism of crediting and distribution of retail tax between local budgets as
16th February 2022 - Asia, Thailand |
Thailand: The government has approved a draft National Tobacco Control Plan for 2022-2027. Despite recent advocacy efforts towards legalising e-cigarettes and novel tobacco products, no
16th February 2022 - Mongolia |
Mongolia: The parliamentary Standing Committee on Social Policy has held a discussion on tobacco use and the legal environment. Committee chair M Oyunchimeg said that
16th February 2022 - Europe, Italy |
Italy: The Customs and Monopoly Agency (ADM) has updated the retail prices and excise duties on heated tobacco consumables. Ten new flavours of heat-not-burn (HnB) consumables
15th February 2022 - United States |
US: The US Senate was set to vote today on Robert Califf's nomination as Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner. At the end
15th February 2022 - Europe, Spain |
Spain: The Ministry of Health has launched an awareness campaign against smoking, vaping and use of heated tobacco outdoors in places commonly frequented by other people, such as