Previous delays and European health commissioner describing the work as “particularly challenging” could indicate that the European Commission’s proposal for revising its smoke-free environment recommendation is at risk of further postponement
The next European Parliament may feature a new mix of members who are likely to change Europe’s conservative stance on novel products and include harm-reduction strategies as part of the debate
Some 370m Europeans will be called to the polls in June to elect the 720 members of the next European Parliament, and the outcome could shed light on the future of nicotine pouches
European authorities seem unsure on the timeline for the next step in the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) review and laissez-faire about keeping anyone up to date on developments for it
An influential European Union report, “Beating Cancer Inequalities in the EU”, has taken a cautious, generally pessimistic view on tobacco alternatives
As the revision process of the EU tobacco policy framework keeps being delayed, commissioners are still not able to come up with a timeline, or even a date for the submission of the new texts
Italy’s parliament has passed a law implementing the EU ban on flavours in heated tobacco – but ambiguity in its definition of the category may lead to difficulties in interpretation
A recent public consultation launched by the European Commission to evaluate the revision of Europe’s tobacco laws has raised criticism among respondents who said questions were biased against lower-risk nicotine-based smoking alternatives
The EU has launched a public consultation on how it can update its tobacco control framework by revising the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) and the Tobacco Advertising Directive (TAD)
The European Union’s member states overwhelmingly want harmonised tax policies across the EU for both heated tobacco products and e-cigarettes
The European Commission is delaying evaluating tobacco tax rates and the possible introduction of a new harmonised tax scheme for e-cigs and heated tobacco
Attempts by Belgium to impose new strict regulations on heated-tobacco products may run into problems with the European Union
Heated tobacco products generally benefit from a more benign tax regime in Europe than vapour products. Our report examines tax laws in EU countries where HnB products have been launched
Concern over a future European tax on e-cigarettes is sure to rise following the launch of a second consultation on the subject by European Union (EU) authorities.
A new public consultation by the tax authorities in Brussels aims to help set a standard excise duty for e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products at European level
The European Commission has said it will review the future tax situation of e-cigarettes and heated-tobacco products in 2019, and will not propose a revision of the Directive 2011/64/EU on excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco now
Tighter regulation “is on the way” for e-cigs, according to the European Commission’s commissioner for health and food safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis, who sees “possibilities” for “stronger regulation” to “stop advertising and online sales”
The European Commission is considering whether to propose an EU-wide tax on e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, but may choose not to do so for now, following a public consultation
EU legislation is unclear on how to categorise hybrid devices, which may give manufacturers some degree of choice. This report aims to help them make that choice wisely