PMI expects its reduced-risk portfolio and continued good performance in Asian countries to continue to drive growth and aims to have at least 30% of its shipment volume to consist of new tobacco products by 2025
The European Commission has said it will review the future tax situation of e-cigarettes and heated-tobacco products in 2019, and will not propose a revision of the Directive 2011/64/EU on excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco now
Tighter regulation “is on the way” for e-cigs, according to the European Commission’s commissioner for health and food safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis, who sees “possibilities” for “stronger regulation” to “stop advertising and online sales”
This report is a brief overview of some of the key heated tobacco and hybrid products that are already on the market or are soon to be launched, including data on sales volumes and details of launch plans.
The regulatory status of heat-not-burn (HnB) products in Europe remains unclear, despite an increasing number coming to market.