This regulatory tracker provides a summary of the regulation of tobacco-free pouches globally as specified by the authorities in each country in answer to TobaccoIntelligence’s inquiries or after specific information has otherwise emerged
The TobaccoIntelligence nicotine pouch market size database provides market size forecasts, usage rates and user numbers for 14 key markets and globally up to 2026
This tracker covers the regulation of nicotine pouches in 50 US states and the District of Columbia and an overview of relevant bills that specifically target nicotine pouches
Although the usage rate is relatively low (0.4%), the German modern oral population is the third by size within the EU despite serious regulatory challenges. This snapshot provides an overview of the German market
With a long tradition of oral tobacco products – especially snus – dating from the 17th century, Sweden is a primary market for pouched oral products. This snapshot covers Sweden’s modern oral market
Denmark has the third highest usage rate for modern oral products in the EU, and we expect this rate to almost double by 2025. The snapshot offers an overview of Denmark’s modern oral market
Tobacco-free pouches in Hungary are regulated as tobacco-related products and snus is banned under the EU-level regulation. This snapshot provides an overview of Hungary’s market for modern oral products
This provides a historical compilation of the updates to the Tamarind Intelligence Policy Radar.
The Altria Group has filed a lawsuit for patent infringement against RJ Reynolds Vapor Co, a subsidiary of Reynolds American, over its Velo smokeless product
Altria has submitted premarket tobacco product applications (PMTAs) to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for 35 varieties of its On! nicotine pouches
The US International Trade Commission (USITC) is looking into a possible infringement of the patent for a nicotine pouch product, following a claim led by Swedish Match North America