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Major brands

Court appeal ongoing after NGO reports company skirting flavour ban…

21st December 2022 - Alerts | Europe, Italy |

22nd Century reports Q1 2022 results, looks to expand with VLN cigarettes

9th June 2022 - News analysis |

22nd Century Group has confirmed the first international shipments of very low nicotine (VLN) cigarettes to South Korea and is expecting to see significant benefits from the sales of its menthol line of VLN cigarettes as it plans an expansion of sales and distribution in the US beyond its initial trial in Chicago, Illinois

How much are tobacco companies really doing to support harm reduction?

31st May 2022 - Blog |

Most tobacco companies are keen to be seen supporting the concept of harm reduction, especially through reduced-risk products like e-cigarettes, heat-not-burn and pouches. But how far is their support for the idea actually having an effect on their activities right now, as well as their future direction?