20th January 2025
- US - Connecticut: Senate Bill (SB) 792 has been introduced. SB 792 would impose an excise tax of 75% on the sale of non-tobacco nicotine products.
3rd February 2023
- US - Connecticut: Attorney general William Tong has submitted testimony in support of House Bill 6488, which would prohibit the sale of flavoured tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. In this testimony, he supports the enactment of a statewide flavour ban and emphasises that while the written legislation currently excludes menthol-flavoured products from the ban, they should be included to deter youth addiction.
12th January 2023
US - Connecticut: Senate Bill 40 has been introduced, which would ban smoking and vaping at state beaches and parks and allow municipalities to place restrictions on smoking and vaping at municipal parks and other outdoor venues.