We work closely with selected key publications and associations that encompass the whole nicotine industry to provide objective, independent and informed market and regulatory analysis.
TobaccoIntelligence’s independent analysis for the heated tobacco and nicotine sector has been widely reported in the press. Here is just a selection of our media coverage:
Check out the interview to our editorial director, Barnaby Page, at GFN TV 2024 about the unstoppable rise of e-cigarettes, despite regulatory challenges and misinformation:
This is part of our ongoing contribution to the industry development as a realiable data source where our data continues to be an invaluable tool used by governments and NGOs around the world.

"Flavoured heated tobacco products will be banned across the EU following the publication of a Delegated Directive in the Official Journal, reports TobaccoIntelligence."
Tobacco Journal International

"Even if these novel products prove to be less harmful – and this is at the centre of some debate – many lawmakers argue that they still help renormalise smoking - Pablo Cano Trilla Legal and Policy Analyst, Tamarind Intelligence"
Tobacco Courier

"Japan’s tobacco industry could be an indication of which way the global wind is blowing, reports TobaccoIntelligence"

"The independent survey represents over 1,000 US vape stores, and was conducted by e-cigarette industry data provider ECigIntelligence. The responses showed a 31% increase in vape store operators having a positive outlook on the future of the vaping market in the US."

"“When it comes to politicians’ perceptions of new nicotine products, accurate information appears to make all the difference,” said Tim Phillips, managing director of ECigIntelligence and TobaccoIntelligence, in a statement."
Tobacco Reporter

"The study by TobaccoIntelligence shows that many retailers are planning to use the shelf space previously occupied by menthol cigarettes for alternatives such as vapour and heated tobacco products."

"The third annual MEP survey conducted by business intelligence researcher Tamarind Intelligence, publisher of ECigIntelligence and TobaccoIntelligence platforms, shows that the more MEPs know about new nicotine products (e-cigarettes, nicotine pouches, and heated tobacco), the more likely they are to consider that these products are less harmful than cigarettes."
Tobacco Asia

"Alors que plusieurs directives concernant le tabac sont en voie d’être révisées à plus ou moins court terme (voir 30 novembre), une nouvelle enquête d’ECigIntelligence et TobaccoIntelligence montre que 70 % des députés européens ont une certaine connaissance du vapotage."
Le Monde du Tabac

"Szeptember 16-án, pénteken Pablo Cano Trilla, a TobaccoIntelligence jogi elemző cég vezérigazgatója tart előadást „EU áttekintés: Az alternatív dohánytermékek piaci és szabályozási tendenciái” címmel. "

"“The MEPs with knowledge of these products generally realise that they carry less risk than smoking – but those lacking knowledge often don’t understand that. The implications for policy across Europe are clear.”"