The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently highlighted the success of its Real Cost public health campaign in preventing youth e-cigarette uptake while nicotine pouch use is on the rise ...
While cigarette smoking in the US has dropped to its lowest level in 60 years, overall tobacco product use among adults has remained unchanged since 2017 ...
Heated tobacco is rapidly transforming nicotine consumption in Europe, and nowhere is this shift more evident than in Italy, which has led the way in the European heated tobacco market since 2015 ...
Written by Antonia Di Lorenzo | 20th February 2025
The European Commission is taking a cautious approach to tobacco-related regulations, and key directives might not be revisited until 2026, but is it based on the whole truth? ...
New research “fails to show that youth vaping causes future smoking”, announces the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Should harm-reduction advocates reach for the champagne? ...
The nomination of Robert F Kennedy Jr., a prominent environmentalist and vaccine sceptic, as US secretary of health could have indirect implications for the nicotine alternatives industry, even in Europe ...
In something of a disconnect in US public health policy, the proposal for a rule to limit the nicotine content for most combustible tobacco products represents a major change from years of prior decisions ...
Written by TobaccoIntelligence | 16th January 2025
TobaccoIntelligence analysts make two riskier predictions: Argentina will move to legalise and regulate nicotine alternatives, and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) will take steps to regulate them in 2025 ...
As Europe tightens its grip on disposable vapes with bans and restrictions addressing environmental and public health concerns, attention is beginning to shift to another rapidly growing nicotine product: nicotine pouches ...
A new study sheds some welcome and thought-provoking light on US CDC data, which ought to help to forestall undue panic about the arrival of nicotine pouches and heated tobacco ...
A degree of Covid scepticism unites Trump’s picks for health positions. Will this beget an open mind in other areas of policy and research or will sensationalist science hold sway? ...
Written by Antonia Di Lorenzo | 21st November 2024
A major new report shows a pivotal shift in the global smoking landscape, highlighting the growing use of safer nicotine products, such as heated tobacco and nicotine pouches ...
Written by Antonia Di Lorenzo | 14th November 2024
Southeast Asia is experiencing significant regulatory shifts in the tobacco and nicotine product sectors, as countries in the region adopt varied stances on products like heated tobacco, nicotine pouches and e-cigarettes ...
As the UK Tobacco and Vapes Bill re-enters Parliament, there is a palpable sense of urgency surrounding the country’s evolving approach to vaping and tobacco alternatives ...
November will mark ten years since Iqos was launched in Japan. And as the third-quarter results of Philip Morris International show, the last ten years have been quite the story in the product’s global brand-building...
Spain’s regulatory battle over nicotine products is heating up, but the centre-right People’s Party faces significant hurdles in pushing its proposed amendments through Parliament ...
Some fear healthcare and food safety will not be among the main concerns of the next European Commission after the Commission president unveiled the new commissioners’ respective tasks ...
There is still little concrete information on what the EU will do in its next revision of the Tobacco Products Directive, though the primary focus will likely be emerging tobacco products ...
Brands that find a way to successfully deliver flavour while appealing to diversifying consumer desires will be best poised for success in a maturing heated tobacco market ...
Just over a year after the Czech government unveiled a new, ambitious action plan to fight addictions, doubts are being raised over the government’s alignment with its own declared war on addictions ...
As the global nicotine pouch market continues to expand, Latin America is emerging as a key region of interest, with the recent surge in vaping and nicotine pouch popularity creating dynamic opportunities for market players...
From innovative flavour formulations to extended-release mechanisms and eco-friendly packaging, the globally expanding nicotine pouch industry is undergoing a transformative phase ...
All Big Tobacco companies reported growth in their smoke-free segments, reflecting a trend towards diversification from traditional cigarettes, though none have addressed the regulatory environment and its potential impact on future earnings ...
Though debate about US president Joe Biden’s potential replacement dominates headlines on the November elections, down-ballot races in many states may impact the future of nicotine alternatives in the country ...
Swiss authorities have released results of a 30-year study on smoking and tobacco use in the country, tracking answers to a health survey conducted from 1992 to 2022 ...
Previous delays and European health commissioner describing the work as “particularly challenging” could indicate that the European Commission’s proposal for revising its smoke-free environment recommendation is at risk of further postponement ...
In this part of a series of articles celebrating the tenth anniversary of Tamarind Intelligence, our editorial director shares ten things he’s learned about the sector in the last ten years ...
The Global Forum on Nicotine was in Warsaw again last week, and once again proved to be one of the most thought-provoking events on the tobacco harm reduction calendar ...
The result of the latest European Union elections is a clear twist to the right, signalling a potential shift towards a more business-friendly and deregulated environment for the vaping and heated tobacco industries ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) chose to dedicate this year’s World No Tobacco Day to exposing practices used by the tobacco industry to “hook the next generation” into becoming its customers for life ...
Ireland will look to raise the minimum age for purchasing tobacco products to 21, affecting heated tobacco products but not (yet) nioctine pouches or vapour products ...
The next European Parliament may feature a new mix of members who are likely to change Europe’s conservative stance on novel products and include harm-reduction strategies as part of the debate ...
The US government has once again dropped its plans to issue an immediate ban on menthol cigarettes, despite efforts from numerous civil rights organisations and medical associations urging for a ban to protect targeted communities...
The debate over the approach healthcare providers should take when it comes to suggesting alternative products to help adult patients quit smoking has been ongoing for quite some time, but it’s still controversial ...
Use of alternative nicotine products among younger consumers in Finland is on the rise, but their tobacco use has stayed the same, a survey by the Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention recently found ...
Three years after the expected date, the Spanish government has finally approved the country’s new anti-smoking plan, which will now need to be implemented through different laws across the country ...
The city of Austin, in Texas, will be where Philip Morris International (PMI) first tests its Iqos 3 in the US, with testing set to go ahead within the next three months ...
A recent CJEU ruling confirmed it was OK for Germany to increase duties on heated tobacco sticks to the equivalent of 80% of the tax applied to conventional cigarettes on public health grounds ...
Rules on how companies can market nicotine pouches in Europe are no clearer, but criticisms of practices have started and are only going to increase as what can and cannot be done in major European...
It looks like nicotine pouches are gearing up to be the latest battleground for tobacco alternatives, with opposition to pouches springing up in the UK and the US ...
No smoking and no nicotine consumption at all is better for your health than quitting cigarettes without quitting nicotine, says the European Respiratory Society, stating the obvious ...
Written by Antonia Di Lorenzo | 15th February 2024
With calls for a whole “Zynsurrection” in support of Zyn nicotine pouches, opposition to the rise of Zyn could end up being nothing more than a lot of noise ...
European authorities seem unsure on the timeline for the next step in the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) review and laissez-faire about keeping anyone up to date on developments for it ...
Tobacco use continues to reduce globally, according to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco use 2000–2030 ...
Perception is often at least as important as reality in forming policy-makers’ and the public’s opinion where novel nicotine products are concerned, but there’s a persistent problem with terminology ...
The decision to first specifically ban and then permit the Redmuule nicotine pouch brand to be sold on the Italian market makes one wonder how rulemaking can be done in such an ad hoc fashion...
This time last year, the start of a debate within the European Parliament on the revisions to the EU tobacco policy framework was imminent, but now it is not even part of the parliamentary schedule...
The latest nationwide survey on tobacco product consumption among US youth showed that high school students in the country are ditching vaping, which is definitely good news ...