TobaccoIntelligence heated tobacco pricing database
WC_Product_Simple Object
[object_type:protected] => product
[post_type:protected] => product
[cache_group:protected] => products
[data:protected] => Array
[name] => TobaccoIntelligence heated tobacco pricing database
[slug] => tobaccointelligence-heated-tobacco-pricing-database
[date_created] => WC_DateTime Object
[utc_offset:protected] => 0
[date] => 2024-07-26 14:32:36.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Europe/Madrid
[date_modified] => WC_DateTime Object
[utc_offset:protected] => 0
[date] => 2024-08-02 12:11:24.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Europe/Madrid
[status] => publish
[featured] =>
[catalog_visibility] => visible
[description] => TobaccoIntelligence’s heated tobacco pricing database provides product pricing data for heated tobacco consumables and devices in 70 countries worldwide.
This downloadable Excel file contains current pricing per brand in each country as well as historical pricing data from Q1 2024 onwards. For product pricing that could not be found online, we collected data by speaking directly to retailers.
Devices covered include Iqos, Glo, Ploom, Lil and Pulze.
This database includes Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Aruba, Austria, Azerbajain, Bahrain, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Curaçao, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salavador, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Cyprus, Palestine, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Ukraine, UAE, UK, Uzbekistan.
*The product is up-to-date as of the date of publication. You will receive the purchased database directly in your inbox within 24 hours.
*If you choose to subscribe to TobaccoIntelligence within 30 days of purchasing one of our premium datasets, we will credit the price of the purchased product to your first year’s subscription.
[short_description] =>
[sku] =>
[global_unique_id] =>
[price] => 1995
[regular_price] => 1995
[sale_price] =>
[date_on_sale_from] =>
[date_on_sale_to] =>
[total_sales] => 0
[tax_status] => taxable
[tax_class] =>
[manage_stock] =>
[stock_quantity] =>
[stock_status] => instock
[backorders] => no
[low_stock_amount] =>
[sold_individually] =>
[weight] =>
[length] =>
[width] =>
[height] =>
[upsell_ids] => Array
[cross_sell_ids] => Array
[parent_id] => 0
[reviews_allowed] =>
[purchase_note] =>
[attributes] => Array
[default_attributes] => Array
[menu_order] => 0
[post_password] =>
[virtual] =>
[downloadable] => 1
[category_ids] => Array
[0] => 11591
[1] => 578
[tag_ids] => Array
[0] => 4624
[shipping_class_id] => 0
[downloads] => Array
[e665ddba-a069-4391-b94a-c8dfe77b5640] => WC_Product_Download Object
[data:protected] => Array
[id] => e665ddba-a069-4391-b94a-c8dfe77b5640
[name] => TobaccoIntelligence heated tobacco pricing database
[file] =>
[enabled] => 1
[image_id] => 136252
[gallery_image_ids] => Array
[download_limit] => -1
[download_expiry] => -1
[rating_counts] => Array
[average_rating] => 0
[review_count] => 0
[supports:protected] => Array
[0] => ajax_add_to_cart
[id:protected] => 136287
[changes:protected] => Array
[object_read:protected] => 1
[extra_data:protected] => Array
[default_data:protected] => Array
[name] =>
[slug] =>
[date_created] =>
[date_modified] =>
[status] =>
[featured] =>
[catalog_visibility] => visible
[description] =>
[short_description] =>
[sku] =>
[global_unique_id] =>
[price] =>
[regular_price] =>
[sale_price] =>
[date_on_sale_from] =>
[date_on_sale_to] =>
[total_sales] => 0
[tax_status] => taxable
[tax_class] =>
[manage_stock] =>
[stock_quantity] =>
[stock_status] => instock
[backorders] => no
[low_stock_amount] =>
[sold_individually] =>
[weight] =>
[length] =>
[width] =>
[height] =>
[upsell_ids] => Array
[cross_sell_ids] => Array
[parent_id] => 0
[reviews_allowed] => 1
[purchase_note] =>
[attributes] => Array
[default_attributes] => Array
[menu_order] => 0
[post_password] =>
[virtual] =>
[downloadable] =>
[category_ids] => Array
[tag_ids] => Array
[shipping_class_id] => 0
[downloads] => Array
[image_id] =>
[gallery_image_ids] => Array
[download_limit] => -1
[download_expiry] => -1
[rating_counts] => Array
[average_rating] => 0
[review_count] => 0
[data_store:protected] => WC_Data_Store Object
[instance:WC_Data_Store:private] => WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT Object
[internal_meta_keys:protected] => Array
[0] => _visibility
[1] => _sku
[2] => _global_unique_id
[3] => _price
[4] => _regular_price
[5] => _sale_price
[6] => _sale_price_dates_from
[7] => _sale_price_dates_to
[8] => total_sales
[9] => _tax_status
[10] => _tax_class
[11] => _manage_stock
[12] => _stock
[13] => _stock_status
[14] => _backorders
[15] => _low_stock_amount
[16] => _sold_individually
[17] => _weight
[18] => _length
[19] => _width
[20] => _height
[21] => _upsell_ids
[22] => _crosssell_ids
[23] => _purchase_note
[24] => _default_attributes
[25] => _product_attributes
[26] => _virtual
[27] => _downloadable
[28] => _download_limit
[29] => _download_expiry
[30] => _featured
[31] => _downloadable_files
[32] => _wc_rating_count
[33] => _wc_average_rating
[34] => _wc_review_count
[35] => _variation_description
[36] => _thumbnail_id
[37] => _file_paths
[38] => _product_image_gallery
[39] => _product_version
[40] => _wp_old_slug
[41] => _edit_last
[42] => _edit_lock
[must_exist_meta_keys:protected] => Array
[0] => _tax_class
[extra_data_saved:protected] =>
[updated_props:protected] => Array
[meta_type:protected] => post
[object_id_field_for_meta:protected] =>
[stores:WC_Data_Store:private] => Array
[coupon] => WC_Coupon_Data_Store_CPT
[customer] => WC_Customer_Data_Store
[customer-download] => WC_Customer_Download_Data_Store
[customer-download-log] => WC_Customer_Download_Log_Data_Store
[customer-session] => WC_Customer_Data_Store_Session
[order] => WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT
[order-refund] => WC_Order_Refund_Data_Store_CPT
[order-item] => WC_Order_Item_Data_Store
[order-item-coupon] => WC_Order_Item_Coupon_Data_Store
[order-item-fee] => WC_Order_Item_Fee_Data_Store
[order-item-product] => WC_Order_Item_Product_Data_Store
[order-item-shipping] => WC_Order_Item_Shipping_Data_Store
[order-item-tax] => WC_Order_Item_Tax_Data_Store
[payment-token] => WC_Payment_Token_Data_Store
[product] => WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT
[product-grouped] => WC_Product_Grouped_Data_Store_CPT
[product-variable] => WC_Product_Variable_Data_Store_CPT
[product-variation] => WC_Product_Variation_Data_Store_CPT
[shipping-zone] => WC_Shipping_Zone_Data_Store
[webhook] => WC_Webhook_Data_Store
[report-revenue-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Orders\Stats\DataStore
[report-orders] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Orders\DataStore
[report-orders-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Orders\Stats\DataStore
[report-products] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Products\DataStore
[report-variations] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Variations\DataStore
[report-products-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Products\Stats\DataStore
[report-variations-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Variations\Stats\DataStore
[report-categories] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Categories\DataStore
[report-taxes] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Taxes\DataStore
[report-taxes-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Taxes\Stats\DataStore
[report-coupons] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Coupons\DataStore
[report-coupons-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Coupons\Stats\DataStore
[report-downloads] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Downloads\DataStore
[report-downloads-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Downloads\Stats\DataStore
[admin-note] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Notes\DataStore
[report-customers] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Customers\DataStore
[report-customers-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Customers\Stats\DataStore
[report-stock-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Stock\Stats\DataStore
[current_class_name:WC_Data_Store:private] => WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT
[object_type:WC_Data_Store:private] => product-simple
[meta_data:protected] =>
[legacy_datastore_props:protected] => Array