Serbia: In a TV interview, the health minister said that smoking restrictions should be strengthened and vaping in enclosed public places should be
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Serbia: The minister of health, Danica Grujičić, has said the smoking ban in indoor places, including bars and restaurants, will be enacted next year.
Serbia: Deputy health minister Jelena Janković has told media the ministry is hoping the smoking ban in cafes and restaurants will be adopted before
Serbia: Health minister, Danica Grujičić, told local media that the proposal to amend the Law on the Protection of People from Smoke Exposure
Serbia: Speaking at a conference on cancer, health minister Danica Grujičić called for public support for a ban on smoking in enclosed public places. “The
Serbia: As of 1st January 2023, heated tobacco is subject to a higher tax rate compared to the previous year. Instead of 60%