1st August 2023 - Africa, South Africa |
South Africa: The Portfolio Committee on Health has extended to 4th September the deadline for written comments on the Tobacco Products and Electronic Delivery Systems Control
31st July 2023 - Europe, Italy |
Italy: The Senate has approved a bill, which is currently under scrutiny in the Chamber of Deputies, that aims to implement the Commission Delegated Directive (EU)
28th July 2023 - Bulgaria, Europe |
Bulgaria: Parliament has approved the 2023 State Budget, which introduces a tax on “tobacco substitutes containing nicotine”, which would include nicotine pouches. The tax would be
28th July 2023 - Europe |
EU: The new regulation that aims to make batteries more sustainable has been published today in the EU’s Official Journal. As stated in
US - Maine: Bill LD 1215 has been passed by the Senate and now heads to the House. It would ban the sale and distribution of tobacco products and
27th July 2023 - Asia, Kyrgyzstan |
Kyrgyzstan: Members of the country’s parliament, the Supreme Council, have proposed obliging all organisations, enterprises and public places to establish designated smoking areas,
26th July 2023 - North America, United States |
US - federal: Several senior members of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee have raised concerns about the impact of the Food and
25th July 2023 - Europe, Ukraine |
Ukraine: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed Bill 8287, introducing an electronic excise stamp for tobacco products and e-liquids from 1st January 2026, media reports. Full implementation
24th July 2023 - Europe, Spain |
Spain: Despite most polls predicting an absolute majority for right-wing parties following yesterday's legislative elections, surprising results mean that it is possible that the incumbent
24th July 2023 - Europe, Germany |
Germany: Last Friday, 21st July, the third amendment of the Tobacco Products Law, which transposes the heated tobacco flavour ban imposed by EU
24th July 2023 - North America, United States |
US - Federal: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) has announced that it will hold a virtual
24th July 2023 - Europe, Russia |
Russia: Bill 369931-8 has passed the State Duma (lower chamber of parliament) and heads to the Federal Assembly for consideration. The bill would amend
21st July 2023 - Asia, India |
India: The Ministry of Health has asked state ministries to report violations of the nationwide ban on the production, sale, import, export, assembly,
20th July 2023 - Asia, Vietnam |
Vietnam: A media seminar heard that the trade and health ministries had reached consensus on an amendment to Decree 67, establishing a trial regulation
20th July 2023 - Europe |
EU: The feedback period for a proposal revealed by the European Commission in March for a directive on substantiation and communication of explicit environmental claims (Green
US - Oklahoma: The state Senate will attempt again to override governor Kevin Stitt’s veto of an extension to the tribal tobacco tax compact, after 26
17th July 2023 - Europe, Romania |
Romania: The coalition government is considering a tax increase for many products, including e-cigarettes and tobacco products, to compensate for the state budget deficit,
17th July 2023 - Europe, Slovakia |
Slovakia: The current Ministry of Finance is preparing a tax amendment that seeks to reevaluate tobacco product taxes, and gradually increase them, media
14th July 2023 - North America, United States |
Federal: "This [Biden] administration would make criminals of law-abiding citizens while granting actual felons early release and encouraging illicit drug use," said senator
14th July 2023 - World |
Global: The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that tobacco taxation efforts have been inconsistent, with some sub-regions making slower progress on imposing
14th July 2023 - Europe, Italy |
Italy: The Customs and Monopolies Agency (ADM) registered three new flavours of heated tobacco consumables and updated the retail prices and excise duties for
14th July 2023 - Europe, Russia |
Russia: Starting 1st September 2023, an electronic register of licences for the production and circulation of tobacco and nicotine-containing products will begin to
13th July 2023 - North America, United States |
US - federal: Tobacco companies are now required to install “eye-catching signs telling the truth about the deadly consequences of cigarette smoking” in over
13th July 2023 - Europe, Spain |
Spain: The National Committee on Tobacco Prevention (CNPT) has urged whatever government results from the 23rd July elections to pass a new Integral Plan
13th July 2023 - Europe, Slovakia |
Slovakia: The Ministry of Health has confirmed to TobaccoIntelligence that herbal heated sticks that contain no tobacco and are not burned do not
12th July 2023 - Africa, Ghana |
Ghana: The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has issued a statement saying the sale, advertising and recreational use of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) and “other non-nicotine
12th July 2023 - Africa, Egypt |
Egypt: The Ministry of Health has issued a warning against the use of heated tobacco, saying that studies have revealed the presence of harmful toxins in
11th July 2023 - Europe, Spain |
Spain: The incumbent Socialist Party (PSOE) has included the regulation of e-cigarettes and “sweetened tobacco-derived products” in its manifesto for the 23rd July
10th July 2023 - Europe, Romania |
Romania: The Ministry of Finance has told TobaccoIntelligence that the tax revenue from the heated tobacco excise duty amounted to RON269m (€54m) for
10th July 2023 - Europe, Germany |
Germany: The Bundesrat has approved a draft third amendment to the Tobacco Products Act, which will transpose the heated tobacco flavour ban imposed by EU Directive 2022/2100.
10th July 2023 - Europe, Netherlands |
Netherlands: The Rutte cabinet (a four-party coalition government) has collapsed due to internal disagreement, and elections are expected later in the year, media
Ukraine: Bill 4358 (Law 1978-IX), which introduces a regulation for heated tobacco in Ukraine similar to the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), comes
7th July 2023 - Africa, Egypt |
Egypt: The customs authority told TobaccoIntelligence that under the customs tariff, herbal heated sticks would be treated as tobacco substitutes, and are therefore subject to
7th July 2023 - Africa, Egypt |
Egypt: The Egyptian Organization for Standards and Quality (EOS) told TobaccoIntelligence that it is developing two standards for electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) products.
7th July 2023 - Europe, Germany |
Germany: The Ministry of Health has presented a bill to amend the Federal Non-Smoking Protection Act to explicitly forbid the use of heated tobacco in federal institutions,
7th July 2023 - Europe, Hungary |
Hungary: Amendments to the government decree on the production, distribution and control of tobacco products, on combined warnings, and healthcare penalties were published in the Official Gazette
6th July 2023 - Asia, Vietnam |
Vietnam: Trade ministry spokesperson Tran Thanh Trung told a media seminar that ministries were holding meetings to finalise a draft decree to regulate new tobacco
4th July 2023 - Europe, Italy |
Italy: A sub-amendment to Bill 1038, which aims to ban only cross-border sales of nicotine pouches, put forward by the League party, has been approved by the Chamber
4th July 2023 - South America, Uruguay |
Uruguay: Economy minister Azucena Arbeleche has submitted a bill to the General Assembly that would impose a 70% tax on the retail price of heated
4th July 2023 - Europe, Ukraine |
Ukraine: The Verkhovna Rada (parliament) has adopted Bill 8287, which would introduce an electronic excise stamp for tobacco products and e-liquids, media reports. If signed by the
3rd July 2023 - Europe, Sweden |
Sweden: The Public Health Agency has published a report that summarises the current knowledge around the harm related to tobacco and nicotine products, including the
3rd July 2023 - Europe |
EU: The European Commission has answered a parliamentary question on the reasons behind the delay of the revision of the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) and on the European Commission