22nd September 2022 - Russia, World |
Russia: Russia may adopt World Health Organization (WHO) standards in tackling illegal tobacco. Izvestia reports that the Ministry of Health has prepared a
21st September 2022 - Europe, Spain |
Spain: The largest anti-tobacco organisation in Spain, the Smoking Prevention Committee (CNPT), has launched a campaign against tobacco and nicotine products with the hashtag #stophumotabaconicotina (stop
21st September 2022 - Europe |
EU: Sources within the Council of the European Union have told TobaccoIntelligence that the Working Party on Public Health today agreed to raise
21st September 2022 - Europe, Netherlands |
Netherlands: The government is planning to make smoking more expensive by increasing the excise tax on combustible cigarettes, cigars and smoking (rolling) tobacco
20th September 2022 - Asia, Kazakhstan |
Kazakhstan: A small group of deputies has proposed a reduction in the excise tax rates on heated tobacco products, media reports. However, deputy
19th September 2022 - North America, United States |
US-federal: Democratic senator from Illinois Dick Durbin has spoken on the Senate floor about the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s failure to meet e-cigarette and synthetic nicotine
16th September 2022 - Europe, Italy |
Italy: One new flavour of heated tobacco consumables had been notified to the Customs and Monopolies Agency (ADM). ADM also updated the excise duty and prices
16th September 2022 - North America, United States |
US - Federal: Brian King, the new director of the US Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) said in an
16th September 2022 - Europe |
EU: The European Commission has recently published the tentative agenda for forthcoming Commission meetings, which includes the list of items that will be discussed. The revision
Sweden: Social Democrat prime minister Magdalena Andersson resigned today, conceding victory in the country’s general election to the four-party right-wing opposition bloc, led by Ulf
13th September 2022 - Alaska, North America, United States |
US - Alaska: The anti-taxation think tank Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) has applauded governor Mike Dunleavy’s decision to veto Senate Bill 45, which would
13th September 2022 - South America, Uruguay |
Uruguay: The Health Ministry has published a list of criteria for the approval of tobacco products, including heated tobacco. They include a ban on the use on packaging of
13th September 2022 - Europe, Iceland |
Iceland: The Ministry of Finance and Economy yesterday presented the draft Budget for 2023, which was being submitted to Parliament today. As it stands, it would bring
12th September 2022 - Europe, Sweden |
Sweden: With more than 90% of the ballots counted from yesterday’s (11th September) national elections, the right-wing bloc formed by the Moderates, Sweden
12th September 2022 - Europe, Italy |
Italy: The Customs and Monopolies Agency (ADM) enacted two circulars implementing the regulatory framework for nicotine pouches, first regulated in February 2022 through
12th September 2022 - Asia, Jordan |
Jordan: Today, 12th September, the House of Representatives approved the Child Rights bill. The new law considers smoking in the presence of children,
12th September 2022 - Europe, Spain |
Spain: In October, for the first time in 18 years, new 25-year licences (a total of 203) to operate a state-owned tobacconist will
12th September 2022 - North America, United States |
US - Federal: Democratic senator from Illinois Dick Durbin has called on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to complete its premarket review
12th September 2022 - Czech Republic, Europe |
Czech Republic: Markéta Lavrenčíková, corporate and legal affairs manager for Imperial Brands in the Czech Republic, said in an interview that this year the
9th September 2022 - North America, United States |
US - Federal: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has launched a non-tobacco nicotine (NTN) product website that includes up-to-date information about
EU: A draft of the 2022 version of the Data Dictionary on Tobacco Products has been published on the CIRCABC (Communication and Information Resource Centre for Administrations,
9th September 2022 - Asia, Malaysia |
Malaysia: The parliamentary special select committee (PSSC) responsible for assessing the Tobacco and Smoking Control Bill 2022 that proposes a ban on the
8th September 2022 - Russia, World |
Russia: The Ministry of Health is in favour of labelling vapes with a warning about their dangers and creating packaging for them containing
8th September 2022 - Europe, United Kingdom |
UK: Junior health secretary Maggie Throup said that the new Tobacco Control Plan will be published “in due course”.
7th September 2022 - Europe, Ukraine |
Ukraine: Parliament yesterday rejected amendments N20 and N21 to Bill 5616 “On the legal protection of geographical indications for agricultural products”, which would
7th September 2022 - Europe |
EU: The European Commission has set 11th October as a deadline for its preliminary review of Philip Morris International (PMI)’s $16bn takeover bid for Swedish Match,
7th September 2022 - Europe, Slovakia |
Slovakia: The National Smoke-Free Day festival will take place tomorrow in the capital, Bratislava. Among other activities, adult visitors will reportedly be instructed
6th September 2022 - Africa, Egypt |
Egypt: A legal clarification has been issued by the Customs ِAuthority, imposing an additional tax on oral tobacco sold in duty-free stores. The
Uruguay: Miguel Asqueta, director general of the Ministry of Health, has said that Decree 87/2021, which authorised the sale of heated tobacco products, did not
2nd September 2022 - Europe, Iceland |
Iceland: Following the amendments to the Law on E-cigarettes and Refills to include nicotine pouches within the scope of the law, the government has
2nd September 2022 - Asia, India |
India: The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution is cracking down on advertising agencies to ensure strict compliance with the guidelines for
1st September 2022 - Europe, Iceland |
Iceland: An amendment to the Law on E-cigarettes and Refills requiring nicotine pouches to carry information on the amount of nicotine that they contain, as well as a health
31st August 2022 - Europe, Switzerland |
Switzerland: The Federal Council has submitted for consultation a draft bill to amend the Tobacco Products Act after a majority of voters in a referendum in February
31st August 2022 - Asia, China |
China (Macau): The Macau Legislative Assembly has unanimously approved a government amendment to the New Tobacco Control Law, which prohibits the manufacture, import, export, distribution
30th August 2022 - Europe, Germany |
Germany: The president of the German Medical Association, Klaus Reinhardt, and the Association of Health Insurance Companies have criticised the financial package presented by health minister Karl Lauterbach to increase
30th August 2022 - Europe, Ukraine |
Ukraine: Parliament was today due to consider Bill 5616 “on the peculiarities of the legal protection of geographical indications for agricultural products”, including
30th August 2022 - Asia, Vietnam |
Vietnam: The Ministry of Science and Technology has issued seven National Standards on Tobacco. They apply, among other things, to filtered and unfiltered combustible
29th August 2022 - North America, United States |
US - federal: The Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) updated the term “grandfathered tobacco product” to “pre-existing tobacco product” on all of its
29th August 2022 - Asia, South Korea |
South Korea: Today, the Ministry of Health and Welfare updated the requirements applicable to the health warnings that heated tobacco, oral tobacco and nicotine