Gain a thorough understanding of the world’s leading heated tobacco markets with our in-depth research covering over 60 countries around the world, including leading markets like Japan, South Korea and Russia
TobaccoIntelligence’s heated tobacco pricing tracker, updated each quarter, provides product pricing data for both heated tobacco consumables and devices in 70 countries worldwide
Current tobacco laws in Romania do not regulate heated tobacco or nicotine pouches. The new government may introduce legislation, or may wait to implement the forthcoming revised EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD)
Philip Morris International (PMI) is suing British American Tobacco (BAT) in Japan for infringement of the patent for IQOS, claiming the rival company has copied the technology for its own Glo device
Internet sales of heated-tobacco devices will shortly be banned in Belgium, where selling e-cigarettes online has been illegal since 2016
A new heated-tobacco device which uses PMI’s tobacco consumables Heets will be officially launched on the Japanese market later this month by Jouz, a new independent company
The biggest tobacco company in South Korea, KT&G, has launched its own heat-not-burn (HnB) device into the rapidly expanding tobacco alternatives market in the country, where it will compete with PMI’s IQOS and BAT’s Glo
EU legislation is unclear on how to categorise hybrid devices, which may give manufacturers some degree of choice. This report aims to help them make that choice wisely