The EU’s ban on flavours in heated tobacco applies from today, amid criticism from harm reduction advocates, tobacco companies and some European politicians who believe that it could discourage smoking cessation
A ban on nicotine pouches in the EU does not seem far from becoming reality, as a “leaked” report from the European Commission’s bureaucrats shows they apparently want to extend the EU-wide ban on snus to tobacco-free nicotine pouches
Italy’s parliament has passed a law implementing the EU ban on flavours in heated tobacco – but ambiguity in its definition of the category may lead to difficulties in interpretation
Tobacco companies wait for a judicial verdict on the validity of an EU directive outlawing heated tobacco flavours across Europe, but the ban has already come into effect
This report seeks to examine whether tobacco companies have a right to challenge the EU delegated directive setting out the heated tobacco product flavour ban and provides an overview of alternative ways to challenge the delegated directive
Finland is among the first EU countries to take concrete steps towards banning flavours for heated tobacco products. The Finnish parliament has approved the government’s proposal to add to the Finnish Tobacco Act the definition of heated tobacco and to ban heated tobacco flavours
The EU Commission told TobaccoIntelligence that progress on the process to institute the prohibition on flavours was underway and that the latest step is expected to be finalised “soon”
A reply from Los Angeles County lawyers is expected soon, after RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company and two other tobacco companies asked a federal appellate court to review its earlier affirmation of the county’s ban on flavoured tobacco sales
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and two of its affiliates have filed a lawsuit trying to strike down Los Angeles County’s tobacco flavour ban adopted in 2019 and which came into effect on 1st May
In May a new ban will come into force in the EU, prohibiting menthol-flavoured cigarettes and RYO tobacco. This report provides an overview