France: A report by Alliance Against Tobacco (ACT)
highlights multiple instances of influencers promoting novel tobacco products since 2019, in violation of French law (
law 2023-451 of 9th June 2023). The report identifies 948 posts from 229 influencers that promoted tobacco and nicotine products to the French-speaking Instagram community between 2019 and 2024 and reached an audience of over 24m – primarily of young people. The posts feature e-cigarette brands Vuse (formerly Vype) and Blu, as well as Velo nicotine pouches. In response, ACT has called for an immediate ban on nicotine pouches. The government
notified a draft decree banning oral nicotine products, including pouches, pastes, liquids, gums and lozenges, to the European Commision through the TRIS notification system in February.