Montenegro became an independent country in 2006 and began the accession negotiations to the European Union in 2008, having started a process of implementing institutional and economic reforms, still ongoing today. Despite the fact the country does not belong to either the Eurozone or the European Union, its sole currency has been the euro since 2002.
Montenegro’s efforts to align with EU legislation led it to model its tobacco control laws on the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), which is paramount for Montenegro tobacco legislation. Major changes are not currently expected for oral tobacco, until the promulgation of the next TPD. The only type of oral tobacco allowed in the country is chewing tobacco.
As of 2024, nicotine pouches are not specifically regulated under Montenegrin law.
This report provides detailed analysis of the current regulatory framework in place in Montenegro for oral tobacco and nicotine pouches, covering all policy areas from notification and advertising to packaging and taxation.