This regulatory tracker provides a summary of the regulation of tobacco-free pouches globally as specified by the authorities in each country in answer to TobaccoIntelligence’s inquiries or after specific information has otherwise emerged
The TobaccoIntelligence international heated tobacco regulatory tracker is your one-stop source for understanding legal frameworks across the globe for heated tobacco devices and consumables
This report on Israel includes near-future regulation involving age restrictions, product restrictions, labelling and packaging, obligation to notify, retail channels, public usage, advertising and marketing
Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has signed an administrative order prohibiting the import and marketing of any e-cigarette product with a nicotine concentration higher than 20 mg/ml
A few weeks after the launch of the Juul vaping device on the Israeli market, the Ministry of Health has announced restrictive measures against its sale, claiming it contains too much nicotine
Israel is in the process of taking a new approach to the advertising of new tobacco-related products, with a likely ban on all advertising of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products anywhere but in print and at retail locations
Our survey of the vaping market in Israel finds little optimism among the cluster of small businesses operating in a country where smoking is on the rise again