Heated tobacco products must follow tobacco regulation in Canada. This report offers a comprehensive overview of the current regulations in place for heated tobacco products and snus
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the current regulatory landscape for heated tobacco in Japan, where heat-not-burn (HnB) consumables are largely subject to tobacco legislation
The Philippines Food and Drug Administration (FDA) appears to be tightening its grip on tobacco alternatives with a detailed proposal to regulate heat-not-burn (HnB) and vapour products
Italy was one of the first major markets for heated tobacco, which was first regulated and categorised in 2014. This report provides a detailed overview of the current regulatory regime for these products in Italy
Oral and heated tobacco products are considered tobacco products in Costa Rica. This report offers an comprehensive overview of how these products are regulated
This report offers an overview of the current regulatory landscape for heated tobacco products in Australia, focusing on age and product restrictions, advertising laws and taxation, plus more
This report offers an overview of the current restrictions in place in India for modern oral tobacco products, including product restrictions, marketing and advertising laws and more
Heated tobacco is considered a novel tobacco product in the UK. This report covers all current regulation for heated tobacco products in the UK
The Estonian Tobacco Act does not currently mention heated tobacco products, which may theoretically be sold in Estonia as novel smoking tobacco products. This report covers present and potential future regulation
The South Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare wants to ban practices such as the offering of discounts for heated tobacco products and to make events with free giveaways of such products illegal
TobaccoIntelligence presents its comprehensive analysis of which countries have banned the three most popular harm reduction products: nicotine-containing vapour products; heated tobacco; and oral tobacco
The minister charged with drawing up proposed regulation of e-cigarettes in New Zealand has done so, based on the stated belief that vaping and smokeless tobacco are “highly likely to be much less harmful than smoking”
The EU is calling on the World Health Organization to become more involved in regulating heated tobacco – and is urging tight advertising restrictions on the category
The Swiss Federal Council has put forward a second draft of its proposed Tobacco Act, which aims specifically to regulate e-cigarettes and heat-not-burn (HnB) devices