Regulation and legislation

Health Ministry to propose heated tobacco ban to government…

25th March 2024 - Alerts | Asia, Vietnam |

Economic Committee approves pictorial health warning bill…

21st March 2024 - Alerts | Asia, Israel |

The debate continues over regulations for heated tobacco and e-cigs…

21st March 2024 - Alerts | Asia, Vietnam |

Voluntary prohibition of tobacco additives becomes mandatory from April 2025…

20th March 2024 - Alerts | Europe, Netherlands |

Criminal liability to be introduced for banned product sales…

20th March 2024 - Alerts | Asia, Kazakhstan |

Restrictions on sales and advertising of tobacco products to be increased…

19th March 2024 - Alerts | Belgium, Europe |

Decree bringing further restrictions for HTPs and HHPs is published…

19th March 2024 - Alerts | Belgium, Europe |

Ministry to determine new minimum selling prices for nicotine products…

19th March 2024 - Alerts | Europe, Russia |

Ministry requires heated sticks’ health warning to be larger…

18th March 2024 - Alerts | Europe, Italy |

CJEU rules supplementary tax on heated tobacco compatible with EU law…

15th March 2024 - Alerts | Europe, Germany |

Taxes on nicotine products increasing this year and next…

15th March 2024 - Alerts | Europe, Ukraine |

Health minister discusses possible restrictions for heated tobacco…

14th March 2024 - Alerts | Asia, Malaysia |

Minister admits tobacco/vape industry killed the GEG…

14th March 2024 - Alerts | Asia, Malaysia |

Knesset approves budget bill, increasing heated tobacco tax…

14th March 2024 - Alerts | Asia, Israel |

Developing regulations of smoking bill sent to Cabinet for approval…

13th March 2024 - Alerts | Asia, Malaysia |

Health Committee approves bill covering HTPs, nic pouches and HHPs…

13th March 2024 - Alerts | Europe, Slovenia |

Bill notified to amend region’s law to prohibit nic pouch sales to under-18s…

13th March 2024 - Alerts | Austria, Europe |

Draft pouch regulations get green light from evaluation council…

12th March 2024 - Alerts | Europe, Finland |

Minister to present smoking prevention plan on Thursday…

12th March 2024 - Alerts | Europe, Spain |

HHPs, nic pouches and devices now under scope of Tobacco Act…

11th March 2024 - Alerts | Europe, Romania |

ADM updates price and tax list for heated tobacco…

8th March 2024 - Alerts | Italy |

Sales volumes of HT sticks and nic pouches up significantly…

7th March 2024 - Alerts | Europe, Hungary |

Bill to transpose EU flavour ban moves to committee discussion…

7th March 2024 - Alerts | Europe, Slovenia |

Amendment to Excise Duty Act could include tobacco-free heated products…

7th March 2024 - Alerts | Europe, Poland |