Regulation and legislation

Bill aims to ban heated tobacco usage in some public places…

7th July 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Germany |

Electronic tax stamp will enable traceability of tobacco products…

4th July 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Ukraine |

EC addresses TPD revision, but no answers for delay…

3rd July 2023 - Alerts | Europe |

EC to update smoke-free environments law to cover alternative products…

3rd July 2023 - Alerts | Europe |

Nicotine pouch sales licence required from tomorrow, 1st July…

30th June 2023 - Alerts | Belarus, Europe |

MPs introduce bill further restricting heated tobacco advertising…

30th June 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Romania |

Bill would bring heated herbal products under tobacco law…

29th June 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Latvia |

Anti-smoking council regrets legalisation of heated tobacco transport…

27th June 2023 - Alerts | Asia, Hong Kong |

Long-distance sales ban on nicotine pouches rejected…

23rd June 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Italy |

Bundestag approves amendment to ban heated tobacco flavours…

23rd June 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Germany |

Government publishes decree transposing heated tobacco flavour ban…

23rd June 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Hungary |

Government aims to ban cross-border nicotine pouch sales…

21st June 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Italy |

NGO calls for swift approval of act amendment that aims to ban ENDS…

19th June 2023 - Alerts | Asia, Bangladesh |

Kyriakides confirms validity of EU snus ban…

19th June 2023 - Alerts | Europe |

New coalition government includes nicotine pouches in programme…

19th June 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Finland |

Tukes prohibits nicotine pouch sales with over 20 mg nicotine…

19th June 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Finland |