Lawyers for RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company call the US Food and Drug Administration?s defence of its graphic cigarette warnings ?half-hearted? in a new legal brief ...
There are several reasons to be cautiously negative about the direction regulation of novel nicotine products will follow, globally ? but does that make up a fair picture? ...
The Czech Pirate Party, a member of the government coalition, has voiced opposition to the cabinet?s proposal to impose a tax of CZK3.45 (?0.14) per g on nicotine pouches and ?other nicotine products? ...
What?s in a name? Where the novel nicotine products sector is concerned, what?s more significant may be what?s not in the names of its categories ? specifically, the word ?nicotine? ...
The TobaccoIntelligence Nicotine Pouch Product Tracker, available exclusively to subscribers, provides a detailed, comparative analysis of thousands of products in the largest nicotine pouch markets around the world (the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden,...
It?s an awkward complication in any global narrative about fairness, equality and social responsibility, that an awful lot of people in mostly lower-income countries owe their livelihoods to growing tobacco ...
Tobacco growers in Argentina are continuing efforts ? so far unsuccessful ? to overturn a resolution banning the production of heated tobacco products in the country ...
Following recent uncertainy, Finland?s newly formed government has confirmed that the legal status of nicotine pouches in the country will not change ...
US cannabis users are three times more likely to be cigarette smokers than those who don?t use cannabis, but this statistic is an example of the ?gateway drug fallacy? ...
A recent public consultation launched by the European Commission to evaluate the revision of Europe?s tobacco laws has raised criticism among respondents who said questions were biased against lower-risk nicotine-based smoking alternatives ...
British American Tobacco (BAT) will petition Belgium?s highest administrative court, the Council of State, to annul a?royal decree?set to ban the sale of nicotine pouches from 1st October ...
The Bangladeshi government?s latest annual budget proposal lists a substantial rise in taxes on nicotine products, including heated tobacco devices and combustibles ...
Canada?s decision to require health warnings on individual cigarettes was described by Carolyn Bennett, minister for mental health and addictions, as a ?bold action?. But it may also be an act of slight desperation ...
Herbal products and devices will fall under the Belgian regulatory framework for tobacco if a bill to incorporate Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2022/2100, submitted into the EU TRIS database, goes into effect unchanged ...
India is far from unique in the high level of misperception about nicotine among its doctors and its politicians. But sometimes the famously fussy bureaucracy can become positively farcical ...
Taking nicotine out of a tobacco context and inspiring confidence in the role it can play in harm reduction is the goal of Sudhanshu Patwardhan, medical director at the UK Centre for Health Research and...
Vapour is currently the area of tobacco harm reduction where the biggest fears are focused. But that is not because it is uniquely relevant to them, in any rational sense ...
The EU has launched a public consultation on how it can update its tobacco control framework by revising the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) and the Tobacco Advertising Directive (TAD) ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) insists on keeping the tobacco industry and tobacco regulators as far apart as possible, for sound historical reasons. But is it time this policy was reconsidered? ...
Japan Tobacco International (JTI) enjoyed a solid performance in the first three months of the year, boosted by a successful launch of its Ploom X heat-not-burn (HnB) device in Italy and Lithuania ...