Marketing and retailing

Underage heated tobacco sales to be discussed by the Health Committee…

27th February 2023 - Alerts | Africa, Egypt |

Banning tobacco product sales at fuel stations proposed…

10th February 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Russia |

Test phase starts of system to stop sales of expired and illegal products…

1st February 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Russia |

Drug commissioner calls for stricter advertising rules…

27th January 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Germany |

Law amendment approved to ban e-cig and tobacco sales to under-21s…

9th January 2023 - Alerts | Asia, Uzbekistan |

Parliament approves ‘tobacco products shops’ bill…

28th November 2022 - Alerts | Europe, Lithuania |

Agency issues warning to retailers about inflated prices…

14th November 2022 - Alerts | Africa, Egypt |

Heated tobacco self-regulation code published and endorsed…

30th June 2022 - Alerts | Europe, Italy |

New regulation to restrict tobacco advertising…

2nd June 2022 - Alerts | Asia, Israel |