Regulation and legislation

CTP seeks nominations for a new science committee member…
19th September 2023 - Alerts | United States |

Sweden’s stance on snus and cigarettes seen in upcoming tax cuts and hikes
19th September 2023 - News analysis |
The Swedish government has proposed a tax reduction on snus of about 20% while increasing the tax on cigarettes and smoking tobacco by 9%

Call to combat addiction with proportional regulation, not bans…
19th September 2023 - Alerts | Czech Republic, Europe |

Weekly regulatory podcast: 11th-15th September
18th September 2023 - Regulatory alerts podcasts |
Our weekly podcast brings you a summary of the TobaccoIntelligence daily alerts, covering key developments in law and regulation surrounding novel nicotine products

Statewide ban on tobacco product sales in buildings…
18th September 2023 - Alerts | New York, North America, United States |

Public health secretary says TPD won’t be in force until 2027…
18th September 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Netherlands |

Russia starts implementing changes as part of its tobacco regulatory overhaul
15th September 2023 - News analysis |
Suppliers of novel nicotine products to the Russian market face new licensing requirements and tax increases over several years as the government overhauls its regulatory system

Possible rise in excise taxes on cigarettes…
15th September 2023 - Alerts | Asia, Kazakhstan |

Amendment proposed to make pavement licences smoke-free…
14th September 2023 - Alerts | Europe, United Kingdom |

Weekly regulatory podcast: 4th-8th September
13th September 2023 - Regulatory alerts podcasts |
Our weekly podcast brings you a summary of the TobaccoIntelligence daily alerts, covering key developments in law and regulation surrounding novel nicotine products

Health minister announces bill to further restrict tobacco products…
13th September 2023 - Alerts | Australasia, Australia |

Senator criticises FDA over PMTA backlog…
13th September 2023 - Alerts | Illinois, United States |

Approved amendment requires designated smoking areas to be equipped…
13th September 2023 - Alerts | Asia, Kyrgyzstan |

Slovakia: oral tobacco and nicotine pouch regulation, September 2023
12th September 2023 - Nicotine pouches regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report provides details of the current regulatory framework in place for oral tobacco and nicotine pouches in Slovakia, covering all policy areas

Colombia: heated tobacco regulation, September 2023
12th September 2023 - Heated tobacco regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report offers an analysis of the current regulatory framework in place for heated tobacco products in Colombia, covering all policy areas …

Slovakia: heated tobacco regulation, September 2023
8th September 2023 - Heated tobacco regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report provides a detailed analysis of the current regulatory framework in Slovakia for heated tobacco and herbal heated products, covering all policy areas

FDA launches new resources to help with PMTAs…
8th September 2023 - Alerts | North America, United States |

Health Canada publishes second review paper of the TVPA…
8th September 2023 - Alerts | Canada, North America |

Greece: oral tobacco and nicotine pouch regulation, September 2023
8th September 2023 - Nicotine pouches regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report provides details of the current regulatory framework in place for oral tobacco and nicotine pouches in Greece, covering all policy areas

Tunisia: oral tobacco and nicotine pouch regulation, September 2023
7th September 2023 - Nicotine pouches regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the current regulatory regime in place in Tunisia for oral tobacco and nicotine pouches

Tunisia: heated tobacco regulation, September 2023
7th September 2023 - Heated tobacco regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report offers detailed analysis of the current regulatory framework in place for heated tobacco products in Tunisia, covering all policy areas from notification and packaging requirements to taxation and pricing

CTP’s King presentation on current and upcoming FDA tobacco laws…
7th September 2023 - Alerts | North America, United States |

Greece: heated tobacco regulation, September 2023
7th September 2023 - Heated tobacco regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
Greece transposed the EU’s Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) into domestic legislation through Law 4419/2016, adopted on 20th September 2016. This report covers regulation for heated tobacco

Health minister says tobacco control measures needed to improve public health…
7th September 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Montenegro |

New Zealand: heated tobacco regulation, September 2023
6th September 2023 - Heated tobacco regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report provides detailed analysis of the current regulatory framework in place for heated tobacco products in New Zealand, covering all policy areas from notification and advertising to taxation and packaging requirements

Judge upholds ban on flavoured tobacco and nicotine products…
6th September 2023 - Alerts | North America, Oregon, United States |

Weekly regulatory podcast: 28th August-1st September
4th September 2023 - Regulatory alerts podcasts |
Our weekly podcast brings you a summary of the TobaccoIntelligence daily alerts, covering key developments in law and regulation surrounding novel nicotine products

Cigarette and heated tobacco tax increases…
4th September 2023 - Alerts | New York, North America, United States |

Bill to ban nicotine pouches submitted to the House of Representatives…
4th September 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Netherlands |

The Hague considers preventing new tobacconists from opening…
4th September 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Netherlands |

Italy implements EU HTP flavour ban, but ambiguity could cause misinterpretation
1st September 2023 - News analysis |
Italy’s parliament has passed a law implementing the EU ban on flavours in heated tobacco – but ambiguity in its definition of the category may lead to difficulties in interpretation