Two brands battle for shelf space: Italy heated tobacco market report
6th June 2019 - Heated tobacco market reports , Market reports |
In the growing Italian heated tobacco market two big brands are vying for shelf-space: IQOS and Glo
Philip Morris International (PMI) is the multinational tobacco manufacturing company that produces Marlboro cigarettes. More recently, it’s been building up its tobacco alternatives portfolio and has become well known for its heated tobacco device IQOS. Access all of our coverage relating to PMI from this page, from business news and market reports to infographics on the progress of IQOS around the world.
In the growing Italian heated tobacco market two big brands are vying for shelf-space: IQOS and Glo
Health authorities around the world presented their policies against e-cigarettes and novel tobacco products World No Tobacco Day
PMI’s heated tobacco device IQOS and its associated consumables have been granted market authorisation by the FDA
There have been mixed reactions from within the industry to the FDA decision to allow PMI’s heated-tobacco device IQOS and its associated consumables onto the US market
The US FDA has given its approval for Philip Morris International (PMI)’s IQOS in the US, along with its associated consumables ― the first heated-tobacco products to be so approved
PMI is getting into the life insurance business by creating a subsidiary which offers discounts for switching from smoking to heated tobacco or e-cigarettes
PMI and Ferrari have been forced to cancel their partnership for this weekend’s Australian Grand Prix, the opening race of the Formula 1 season. The Mission Winnow branding will, however, reappear for the rest of the season
The now-controversial link between Big Tobacco and Formula 1 racing is being renewed, with tie-ups between two leading teams and two tobacco giants facing legal scrutiny
Japan Tobacco (JT) is launching two new heat-not-burn (HnB) devices in the Japanese market as it tries to catch up with IQOS and Glo in its home territory
Philip Morris International (PMI) is suing British American Tobacco (BAT) in Japan for infringement of the patent for IQOS, claiming the rival company has copied the technology for its own Glo device
Philip Morris International (PMI) is to open an IQOS flagship store in Johannesburg, South Africa next year – with a welcome from the local e-cig industry
China Tobacco is taking on Philip Morris International (PMI), British American Tobacco (BAT) and KT&G in South Korea with the launch of a new heated tobacco device, the Mok
Internet sales of heated-tobacco devices will shortly be banned in Belgium, where selling e-cigarettes online has been illegal since 2016
PMI has announced the worldwide launch of two new IQOS devices during a series of events in Japan. The iQOS 3 and iQOS Multi feature quicker charging and longer battery life
No foreign company has been permitted to sell heated tobacco devices in China, where state-owned companies could, in theory, engage in the production of such products
In a focus group with eight Greek IQOS users, TobaccoIntellignece found that health was the main motivation to start using IQOS, while friends were the main influence. All participants said they would recommend IQOS ahead of vaping
PMI confidently expects to shift more heated tobacco devices and consumables in the next few years as a fall is anticipated in sales of combustible cigarettes
The two leading brands in the vaping and heated tobacco sectors, Juul and Philip Morris International (PMI), are both engaged in active fights with Chinese companies over their intellectual property rights
Tax on products in Japan’s growing heated tobacco market will go up on 1st October, as part of a staggered series of rises up to 2022, that will bring the levies on them closer to those on combustible cigarettes
In a shift from the more traditional e-cigs, which heat e-liquid to produce a vapour which is then inhaled, heated tobacco devices apply controlled heat to tobacco. TobaccoIntelligence looks at the latest innovation in closer detail
What are heated-tobacco products and why has there been a resurgence of interest in them? How do they work? Are they like e-cigs and how are they different from smoking? These questions – and more – are answered in this short guide.
A total of 30 suspects have been arrested in a joint anti-smuggling operation by Chinese law enforcement. China Tobacco Ningbo, Ningbo municipal police department and Ningbo municipal anti-smuggling bureau joined forces
British American Tobacco (BAT) may get two heated-tobacco products onto the US market before IQOS can be launched there, thanks to its decision to take a different route to FDA approval
British American Tobacco (BAT) has a chance to steal a march on its Big Tobacco rivals in the heated-tobacco market after the company became the first to receive approval to sell a heat-not-burn device in the US
Philip Morris International (PMI) is seeking an “urgent meeting” with the UK Department of Health after being told to stop advertising its heated tobacco device IQOS
E-cigarette manufacturers and tobacco giants are increasing investment in Central and Eastern Europe, building new plants or expanding existing ones to meet growing demand for new tobacco alternatives
A new heated-tobacco device which uses PMI’s tobacco consumables Heets will be officially launched on the Japanese market later this month by Jouz, a new independent company
Heated tobacco, or HnB, has been booming in Japan since the launch of IQOS in 2014. Here we examine the results of an in-depth survey conducted by TobaccoIntelligence into the habits and opinions of HnB users
After early growth, the vaping population of Romania has levelled out at around 200,000, just over 4% of the smoking population – but the country is a prime testing ground for heated tobacco, with IQOS, Glo and iFuse all in the market
PMI expects its reduced-risk portfolio and continued good performance in Asian countries to continue to drive growth and aims to have at least 30% of its shipment volume to consist of new tobacco products by 2025
Japan’s advanced heated tobacco market and its ban on nicotine e-liquid are between them leading e-cigarette manufacturers to launch their own HnB devices – many compatible with the Heets made for market leader IQOS
British American Tobacco (BAT) and Japan Tobacco International (JTI) are both planning further investment in reduced-risk products following successful Japanese launches
While sales of traditional cigarettes continue to decline worldwide, PMI is increasingly relying on its heated-tobacco device IQOS to buoy up its financial results, particularly through sales in Japan and Korea
The UK government is keeping an eye on the advertising of heated tobacco products such as IQOS, while defending reduced budgets for its own smoking cessation advertising
Colombia’s health and finance ministries have moved to force heated tobacco products such as IQOS to comply with the country’s tobacco law, arguing there is no evidence to suggest that they present any lower risk than cigarettes
Promotional activity of various kinds, some of it highly creative, has helped PMI expand the global market share for IQOS – but not without a share of controversy
A Philip Morris subsidiary has been fined for breaking Lithuanian tobacco advertising laws with an IQOS campaign in a decision that may have implications for wider European heated-tobacco promotion
In this special report, ECigIntelligence looks at how heated tobacco (heat-not-burn) and hybrid products are gaining ground in the world’s tobacco and vapour market
Heated tobacco is grabbing headlines, but what else will it seize? We examine a number of market and regulatory scenarios with greatly differing outcomes for both heat-not-burn products and e-cigarettes
Japan has been at the forefront of the growing heated tobacco market, and in this report ECigIntelligence looks at the marketing conditions and compares the leading brands
Two heated tobacco brands have been launched in Russia by Big Tobacco: IQOS from PMI and BAT’s Glo. And all the signs are that the products are gradually gaining in interest and popularity in one of the world’s largest tobacco markets
Philip Morris International has ceased production of traditional cigarettes at its Papastratos factory in the Athens suburb of Aspropyrgos in Greece, which will now manufacture only Heets, the tobacco sticks for IQOS
PMI and the Ferrari Formula 1 team have confirmed their partnership for the 2018 Grand Prix season, but the IQOS logo has not yet appeared on the Italian team’s new car
The US FDA has made some public amendments to PMI’s reduced risk applications for IQOS and three types of Marlboro HeatSticks products
British American Tobacco claims to be the largest reduced-risk product company in the world following its acquisition of Reynolds American and says it will build on this through a variety of HnB, moist tobacco and oral tobacco brands
In our latest look at Canada we focus on Quebec, where the e-cig industry is subject to strict regulations. There is no country-wide regulation as yet, but this looks set to change with Bill S-5
As tobacco giants Philip Morris International (PMI) and Japan Tobacco (JT) have been hit by falling tobacco sales, revenues from their e-cigarette and heat-not-burn (HnB) portfolios have increased
Reduced-risk products have severely impacted sales of conventional cigarettes in Japan, according to Japan Tobacco. The firm says the total value of cigarette sales fell by 12.5% in 2017
The IQOS heated tobacco system is on sale across Southeast Asia, despite doubts over its legality in a number of countries, and the official disapproval of its maker, PMI
Authorities in the Catalonia region of Spain are investigating whether PMI broke Spanish law with a series of online banner advertisements for its IQOS heated tobacco system
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