Marketing and retailing

Finland: nicotine pouch market snapshot, April 2023
26th April 2023 - Market reports , Nicotine pouches market reports , Nicotine pouches market snapshots |
This market snapshot offers an overview of the nicotine pouch market in Finland, covering retail channels, pricing and product characteristics

The sale of heated tobacco products in duty-free stores in the US
13th April 2023 - Heated tobacco regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report examines the federal and state requirements that manufacturers of heated tobacco products need to comply with before selling their products at duty-free stores in the US

The sale of smokeless tobacco products in duty-free stores in the US
13th April 2023 - Nicotine pouches regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report examines the federal and general state requirements that manufacturers of smokeless tobacco products need to comply with before selling their products at duty-free stores in the US

Cigarettes for €0.10 a pack? Italian shops hit by vending-machine hack attack
6th April 2023 - News analysis |
Italian tobacco associations estimate up to €250,000 in losses after hundreds of tobacco vending machines were the subject of a cyber-attack thought to be the work of anarchists

VLN maker ready to hand out the Cookies in tie-up with US cannabis company
6th April 2023 - News analysis |
22nd Century Group, maker of the very low nicotine VLN brand cigarette, has announced a new three-year exclusive licence and distribution agreement with the US cannabis company Cookies

Caffeine and cannabis pouches could be part of Altria’s new growth strategy
31st March 2023 - News analysis |
Altria is considering including cannabis as well as caffeine pouches in its offering of non-nicotine products as part of its growth strategy

Tobacco retail licence bill submitted…
31st March 2023 - Alerts | Europe, Netherlands |

US: consumer survey – a journey analysis of tobacco alternative usage
1st March 2023 - Market reports , Nicotine pouches market reports |
This report aims to identify patterns and gain insight into what a typical nicotine journey looks like in the US and users’ reasons for switching from one source of nicotine to another

Birthdate sales ban bill introduced…
24th February 2023 - Alerts | California, North America, United States |

US FDA green-lights three new Philip Morris heated tobacco products for Iqos
27th January 2023 - News analysis |
The US Food and Drug Administration has authorised the marketing of three new tobacco-flavoured heated tobacco products from Philip Morris Products’s supplemental PMTAs

VLN cigarette sales to spread across US through deals with major distributors
20th January 2023 - News analysis |
US company 22nd Century Group has expanded the number of outlets for its low-nicotine cigarette VLN through partnerships with two convenience store distributors in the US

New rules on tobacco sales ‘will hurt small retailers’…
19th January 2023 - Alerts | Mexico, North America |

Denmark: nicotine pouch market snapshot, January 2023
12th January 2023 - Market reports , Nicotine pouches market reports , Nicotine pouches market snapshots |
This market snapshot offers an overview of the nicotine pouch market in Denmark, covering retail channels, pricing and product characteristics

Additional funding to be given for inspections…
9th January 2023 - Alerts | Europe, United Kingdom |

Store closed following seizure of illegal products…
9th January 2023 - Alerts | Europe, United Kingdom |

Law amendment approved to ban e-cig and tobacco sales to under-21s…
9th January 2023 - Alerts | Asia, Uzbekistan |

Philippines: oral tobacco and nicotine pouch regulation, January 2023
3rd January 2023 - Nicotine pouches regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report provides a detailed summary of the current regulatory framework in place for oral tobacco and nicotine pouches in the Philippines, covering all policy areas

PMTA, MRTP and SE: the main pathways to market for tobacco products in the US
22nd November 2022 - Heated tobacco regulatory reports , Nicotine pouches regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report examines the main pathways for tobacco products to enter the market in the US, covering PMTAs, MRTPs and SEs

22nd Century chases the tax breaks as VLN cigarettes expand across US states
9th November 2022 - News analysis |
VLN cigarettes could be on the market in as many as 18 US states within the next 12 months, manufacturer 22nd Century Group said during the presentation of its third quarter results

Nicotine pouch consumers – a UK/US comparison
31st October 2022 - Market reports , Nicotine pouches market reports |
TobaccoIntelligence launched a consumer survey in May 2022 to analyse the patterns among nicotine pouch users in the UK and the US

New York: oral tobacco and nicotine pouch regulation, October 2022
17th October 2022 - Nicotine pouches regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report provides a detailed overview of the current regulatory framework in place for oral tobacco and nicotine pouches in New York. It covers all policy areas from labelling and packaging requirements and public usage to advertising, notification and taxation

New York: heated tobacco regulation, October 2022
17th October 2022 - Heated tobacco regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report provides a detailed overview of the current regulatory framework in place for heated tobacco products in New York. It covers all policy areas from labelling and packaging requirements and public usage to advertising, notification and taxation

Washington DC: heated tobacco regulation, September 2022
27th September 2022 - Heated tobacco regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the current and possible future regulatory framework for heated tobacco products in Washington DC, covering all policy areas from taxation and advertising to labelling and product restrictions

Washington DC: oral tobacco and nicotine pouch regulation, September 2022
27th September 2022 - Nicotine pouches regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the current and possible future regulatory framework for oral tobacco products and nicotine pouches in Washington DC, covering all policy areas from taxation and advertising to labelling and product restrictions

Europe’s tobacconists facing big changes, with new products and new regulations
15th September 2022 - News analysis |
The EU’s tobacconists will need to change their identity if they are to adapt to major regulatory changes coming soon, according to a leading trade body for tobacco retailers

UK: the nicotine pouch market – consumer survey report, September 2022
14th September 2022 - Market reports , Nicotine pouches market reports |
TobaccoIntelligence launched a consumer survey in May 2022 to analyse the patterns among vapers and nicotine pouch users in the UK. This report closely examines their nicotine pouch usage, comparing behaviour and preferences by gender, age group and status of using other alternatives

US: the nicotine pouch market – consumer survey report, August 2022
31st August 2022 - Market reports , Nicotine pouches market reports |
This report closely examines nicotine pouch usage in the US, comparing behaviour and preferences by gender, age group and status of using other nicotine products

Germany: the heated tobacco market – consumer survey report, June 2022
2nd June 2022 - Heated tobacco market reports , Market reports |
Germany is one of the leading heat-not-burn (HnB) markets in the world, and is the country with the fifth largest market size globally according to TobaccoIntelligence’s database. This report presents the most important findings from a survey we conducted in the first quarter of 2022

Market report: modern oral products in Scandinavia, Q2 2020
20th May 2020 - Market reports , Nicotine pouches market reports |
The Scandinavian market for modern oral tobacco is the largest in Europe in terms of brands, product offer and innovation, with Sweden taking the lead