Broadening the appeal of tobacco harm reduction (THR) products in low- and middle-income countries can be an uphill struggle, though it arguably matters more there than anywhere else ...
TobaccoIntelligence has put together a timeline outlining the major points to look out for over the summer as the US FDA brings synthetic nicotine into the premarket tobacco product application (PMTA) process ...
The Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) published a huge number of research abstracts to accompany its annual get-together – here are some of the highlights ...
Denmark could become the first country in Europe to impose a generational limit on access to tobacco and nicotine products, with a plan to ban access to tobacco and nicotine products to anyone born in...
When it comes to taking advantage of Brexit's opportunities for tobacco reform, the UK appears to have balked worse than a horse at its final Olympics pentathlon ...
Imperial Brands has announced that it is suspending all operations in Russia, including domestic production, and all sales and marketing activity as a result of international sanctions and the consequential severe disruption ...
As the market for nicotine pouches swells, there is – just as with heated tobacco a few years ago – a risk that regulatory interest outpaces scientific research ...
Heat-not-burn (HnB) products took more than a third of the total tobacco market in Japan for the first time, in the last quarter of 2021, as the shift from traditional cigarettes continued ...
“Following the science” is one of the most misleading, clichés of the pandemic, and both advocates and enemies of novel tobacco products need to be cautious of claiming to do the same thing ...
Written by Antonia Di Lorenzo | 14th February 2022
Philip Morris International (PMI) posted positive numbers for 2021, helped by higher unit volumes in heated tobacco and outstanding initial results from its fourth-generation heated tobacco device Iqos Iluma ...
The European Parliament’s first debate on the Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA)’s report into how to strengthen Europe’s fight against cancer will take place on 15th February ...
Acceptance by the US FDA of very-low-nicotine cigarettes as a modified risk product may be controversial, even bizarre, but it will be worth seeing how they perform in the market – and how that may...
Consumers will continue to increasingly spread usage out over different alternative nicotine products partiy driven by further, stricter vaping regulation across the globe throughout 2022, TobaccoIntelligence predicts ...
Some vapers appear to be switching to heated tobacco products, but should vaping and heated tobacco be viewed as complementary alternatives or competitors ...
The heated tobacco sector has, compared with its cousin vapour, always suffered from a lack of scientific research and from the perception that most of what does exist is industry-funded ...
Alternative tobacco products, including heated tobacco and nicotine pouches, have taken worldwide sales from combustibles over the past three years, with the cigarette segment declining by 5% ...
2021 may have been a downer in many other areas but the year saw phenomenal growth across tobacco alternatives, including in the oral segment, heated tobacco and nicotine pouches ...