The Foundation for a Smoke-Free World has ended its relationship with Philip Morris International, bringing to a close one of the tobacco company’s many efforts to distance itself from its own best-selling products ...
A recent TobaccoIntelligence report highlights just how important avoiding the EU heated tobacco flavour ban is to companies that provide such products and what they might do about it ...
A ban on nicotine pouches in the EU does not seem far from becoming reality, as a “leaked” report from the European Commission’s bureaucrats shows they apparently want to extend the EU-wide ban on snus...
It looks like herbal sticks for heated tobacco devices have really hit the big time. And by big time, read Big Tobacco. Both BAT and PMI have launched a nicotine-containing tobacco-free stick ...
Written by Antonia Di Lorenzo | 21st September 2023
The difficulties the US FDA faces regulating novel nicotine are most obvious with e-cigs, rather than other categories, partly due to the sheer number of companies and products involved, and the issue of youth usage...
Social media influencers to market nicotine pouches has been drawing media attention, but the marketing of pouches in the UK remains rather unregulated ...
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seems to be looking for the right words to educate smokers about reduced-risk tobacco and nicotine products ...
The Netherlands has been praised by the World Health Organization for its tobacco control policies, but a legal loophole has been fuelling harsh confrontation between local health organisations and a Formula 1 team ...
The vast volumes of waste and litter attributable to vaping have become a major issue in recent months, and even if some of the media coverage seems biased, the underlying problem is real enough ...
After the opening question, “Have you ever used cannabis?” came the follow-up: “Do you think it did you any harm?” To which my honest answer was: “Yes. It got me hooked on tobacco” ...
While no industry, from aviation to mining, farming to fishing, can pretend to be uninvolved in the major growing issue of the environment, the tobacco industry is as inescapably bound up in the debate as...
There are several reasons to be cautiously negative about the direction regulation of novel nicotine products will follow, globally – but does that make up a fair picture? ...
What’s in a name? Where the novel nicotine products sector is concerned, what’s more significant may be what’s not in the names of its categories – specifically, the word “nicotine” ...
It’s an awkward complication in any global narrative about fairness, equality and social responsibility, that an awful lot of people in mostly lower-income countries owe their livelihoods to growing tobacco ...
US cannabis users are three times more likely to be cigarette smokers than those who don’t use cannabis, but this statistic is an example of the “gateway drug fallacy” ...
A recent public consultation launched by the European Commission to evaluate the revision of Europe’s tobacco laws has raised criticism among respondents who said questions were biased against lower-risk nicotine-based smoking alternatives ...
Canada’s decision to require health warnings on individual cigarettes was described by Carolyn Bennett, minister for mental health and addictions, as a “bold action”. But it may also be an act of slight desperation ...
India is far from unique in the high level of misperception about nicotine among its doctors and its politicians. But sometimes the famously fussy bureaucracy can become positively farcical ...
Vapour is currently the area of tobacco harm reduction where the biggest fears are focused. But that is not because it is uniquely relevant to them, in any rational sense ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) insists on keeping the tobacco industry and tobacco regulators as far apart as possible, for sound historical reasons. But is it time this policy was reconsidered? ...
Health minister Mark Butler wasn’t mincing his words. “Australia needs to reclaim its position as a world leader on tobacco control,” he said as he announced another planned crackdown on e-cigarettes ...
Tobacco control’s catchiest acronym is back later this year, with the next WHO FCTC COP (World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Conference of the Parties) due to be held in Panama in November...
While statistics are vital to understanding our world, they are often misunderstood – and that can be important when it comes to forming opinions and laws on controversial issues such as tobacco ...
While not related solely or specifically to tobacco products, novel or otherwise, moves in both the EU and the US towards environmental regulations are likely to have a major impact on the sector ...
What the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s proposed new rule on manufacturing practices for tobacco products really means is an intriguing question. What can it tell us about the agency’s vision for future regulation?...
Tamarind Intelligence data continues to be an invaluable tool used by governments and NGOs around the world, contributing to a wide number of government and supra-national projects ...
Is Dave Dobbins’s switch from COO of the Truth Initiative to a role with a tobacco company a case of gamekeeper turned poacher – or is there another interpretation we can put on it? ...
So much attention is given to the edicts of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that it’s easy to forget individual states – not to mention cities – can also have a big impact...
Could the involvement of Snoop Dogg help a Californian company to “disrupt tobacco’s nearly $1tn industry with hemp cigarettes, smoking paper and other alternatives to nicotine tobacco”? ...
Flavours continue to be the main target of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US when it comes to novel nicotine products, it seems – and that could give heated tobacco an edge...
TobaccoIntelligence predicted a year ago that increasing restrictions and taxes on vaping products would drive more users to other tobacco alternatives in 2022. And it does appear that this has been the case ...
There remains a worryingly large amount of research on novel nicotine products which makes casual, almost always negative, assumptions...and the occasional item so faulty it should never have been published at all ...
Correlation is not causation, but it’s tempting to see a meaningful pattern in figures showing that US adults (particularly the younger ones) are smoking less tobacco and using more cannabis ...
New Zealand’s ban on cigarette sales to people born after 1st January 2009 may look like a dry run for complete prohibition. But there’s a crucial difference ...
Many companies, some countries, and of course consumers in their millions are making headway in replacing combustible tobacco with safer alternatives…but what’s holding back the others? ...
There’s been plenty of speculation about PMI’s plans for its new business – but if I were an evil tobacco mastermind trying to prevent uptake of less risky products, very publicly buying Swedish Match wouldn’t...
The upcoming revision of the regulation of batteries in the EU may well have a profound effect the heated tobacco industry, with safety, sustainability and the environment all coming under the lawmakers' microscope ...
Jennifer Motles, chief sustainability officer for PMI, has urged companies of all kinds to go beyond seeing ESG (environmental, social and governance) impact reporting as a tick-box exercise ...
Heated tobacco has played a big part in eliminating smoking in Japan, not just nibbling away at the edges of smoking prevalence but severely reducing the presence of the combustible cigarette ...
As novel nicotine products grow in popularity, it's only a matter of time before false links are drawn between them and the use of some other substance, be it cannabis or combustible tobacco or saturated...
Is there any connection between people’s knowledge of reduced-risk products and their attitudes toward them? Our third survey of European Parliament members' views will show how any such connection may have altered ...
After the victory of right-wing parties in Sweden’s very close election this week, the country’s tobacco alternatives sector – and its customers – may well be breathing a sigh of relief ...
Another day, another judgement in the saga of the US vapour industry’s cases against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – but what might the conflicting decisions mean for other smoking alternatives? ...
While nicotine pouches are classed in the EU as food products with an unauthorised ingredient, it could be argued that there is nothing novel about tobacco, or nicotine, in food – and it could have...
Scientific research into novel nicotine alternatives has so far largely focused on vaping, but that is likely to change as the products become more widespread ...
The latest financial report from Japan Tobacco International tells a tale that should make bedroom and boardroom reading for government officials, public health departments and regulators everywhere ...
You can almost hear the judge’s sigh as he wrote his latest opinion in the long-running litigation between the FDA and the cigar industry over the latter’s treatment by the 2016 final deeming rule. Here...