TobaccoIntelligence - complete coverage of PMI
Philip Morris International (PMI) is the multinational tobacco manufacturing company that produces Marlboro cigarettes. More recently, it’s been building up its tobacco alternatives portfolio and has become well known for its heated tobacco device IQOS. Access all of our coverage relating to PMI from this page, from business news and market reports to infographics on the progress of IQOS around the world.

PMI ups its investment in its Romanian plant for smoke-free products to $730m
13th September 2023 - News analysis |
Global tobacco group Philip Morris International (PMI) is scaling up the investment in its Romanian smoke-free product factory to $730m (€680m)

Altria reports solid oral tobacco segment performance despite lower revenues
2nd August 2023 - News analysis |
Altria reported a solid performance in the first half of 2023 despite lower net revenues, partially offset by higher revenue in the oral tobacco segment

HeatSticks could be Philip Morris’s silver lining after court ruling on cigarettes
1st August 2023 - News analysis |
Sales of HeatSticks could ironically end up benefitting from a US legal battle lost by their manufacturer Philip Morris and other leading tobacco companies

PMI admits it can’t quit Russia due to international financial regulations
26th July 2023 - News analysis |
More than 15 months after pledging to “scale down” its activities in Russia, Philip Morris International (PMI) has said it can’t pull out of the Russian market

Gripped in a vice between the powers of Big Government and Big Tobacco
6th July 2023 - Blog |
It’s an awkward complication in any global narrative about fairness, equality and social responsibility, that an awful lot of people in mostly lower-income countries owe their livelihoods to growing tobacco

Big Tobacco remains in love with novelty as it heads towards a smokeless future
3rd March 2023 - News analysis |
The significance Big Tobacco companies are placing on novel tobacco products is demonstrated by the continued international expansion many are undertaking

PMI reports positive 2022 performance, talks Iqos, Swedish Match and KT&G
10th February 2023 - News analysis |
Philip Morris International (PMI) reports an overall positive performance in 2022, boosted by growth in its Iqos business, with revenues and shipment volumes slightly up for the year

Swedish Match and a cheaper Iqos – PMI’s ‘cunning plan’ begins to become clear
24th November 2022 - Blog |
There’s been plenty of speculation about PMI’s plans for its new business – but if I were an evil tobacco mastermind trying to prevent uptake of less risky products, very publicly buying Swedish Match wouldn’t be top of my list

PMI looks set for complete control over Swedish Match despite missed target
16th November 2022 - News analysis |
Philip Morris International (PMI)’s decision to go ahead with the purchase of all offered Swedish Match shares, despite falling short of its 90% target, means it may run the business as if it owned all of it

PMI proceeds with Swedish Match offer despite falling short of take-up target
8th November 2022 - News analysis |
Philip Morris International (PMI) has confirmed that it will go ahead and accept all Swedish Match shares that have been tendered to it despite not achieving its 90% minimum stake threshold

Big Tobacco companies on the road to leaving Russian domestic market
7th November 2022 - News analysis |
Tobacco producers from around the globe plan to complete their exit from the Russian market by the end of the year by transferring business to local partners, according to recent statements made by company representatives

European Commission approves PMI’s planned takeover of Swedish Match
1st November 2022 - News analysis |
EU antitrust regulators have conditionally approved the takeover of Swedish nicotine pouch specialist Swedish Match by the tobacco giant Philip Morris International (PMI) for an estimated €16bn

Altria Q3 results: net revenue falls though revenues up in oral tobacco products
31st October 2022 - News analysis |
Fewer people smoking has led to US cigarette maker Altria continuing to see a decrease in revenue over the third quarter of 2022, partially offset by higher net revenues in the oral tobacco products segment

PMI raises the takeover stakes with its ‘best and final’ offer for Swedish Match
25th October 2022 - News analysis |
Philip Morris International (PMI) has raised its public offer for its European rival Swedish Match from SEK106 ($9.52) to a final price of SEK116 ($10.42) per share in a bid to finalise its takeover

PMI reports strong Q3 results, talks smoke-free, Altria and Swedish Match
24th October 2022 - News analysis |
Philip Morris International (PMI) reported strong third quarter results in terms of revenue but saw a number of setbacks in shipment volumes as it looks to meet its goal of becoming a majority smoke-free company by 2025

PMI in negotiations to acquire rival Swedish Match for a reported $15bn
10th May 2022 - News analysis |
Philip Morris International (PMI) is in talks to buy European rival Swedish Match in an estimated $15bn deal that could affect both the oral and smoking tobacco markets

As US FDA moves towards a menthol ban, what might it mean for novel products?
5th May 2022 - Blog |
The long-mooted proposal to prohibit menthol is the most dramatic step the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken since the 2009 Tobacco Control Act exempted menthol from a general ban on flavoured tobacco

PMI reveals ‘solid performance’, with significant growth in its HnB portfolio
22nd April 2022 - News analysis |
Philip Morris International (PMI) saw positive numbers for the first quarter of 2022, with Iqos Iluma performing well in Japan, Switzerland and Spain

PMI considers leaving the Russian market as it scales down operations
25th March 2022 - News analysis |
Philip Morris International (PMI) has cancelled all product launches in Russia for 2022 as part of its plans to suspend investments and scale down manufacturing operations across the country

Plenty of food for thought as nicotine researchers get their heads together
24th March 2022 - Blog |
The Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) published a huge number of research abstracts to accompany its annual get-together – here are some of the highlights

PMI allowed to make modified risk claims in US for Iqos 3 but import ban stands
15th March 2022 - News analysis |
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is allowing Philip Morris International (PMI) to market its Iqos 3 heated tobacco device with some reduced risk claims

Big Tobacco shuts down in Russia, lends aid to employees there and in Ukraine
14th March 2022 - News analysis |
Imperial Brands has announced that it is suspending all operations in Russia, including domestic production, and all sales and marketing activity as a result of international sanctions and the consequential severe disruption

Heated tobacco successes help PMI stay positive as cigarette sales go on sliding
14th February 2022 - News analysis |
Philip Morris International (PMI) posted positive numbers for 2021, helped by higher unit volumes in heated tobacco and outstanding initial results from its fourth-generation heated tobacco device Iqos Iluma

US International Trade Commission rejects PMI bid to resume Iqos imports
26th January 2022 - News analysis |
Philip Morris’s bid to resume importing and selling its Iqos heat-not-burn (HnB) device in the US has failed

Global Trends report reveals extent of alternatives’ growing market share
12th January 2022 - News analysis |
Alternative tobacco products, including heated tobacco and nicotine pouches, have taken worldwide sales from combustibles over the past three years, with the cigarette segment declining by 5%

2021 in review: As smoking declines, tobacco alternatives take up the slack
10th January 2022 - News analysis |
2021 may have been a downer in many other areas but the year saw phenomenal growth across tobacco alternatives, including in the oral segment, heated tobacco and nicotine pouches

F1 moves on from tobacco promotion as PMI and Ferrari go their separate ways
16th December 2021 - Blog , News analysis |
It’s the end of an era as tobacco sponsorship of Formula One racing comes to an end – again. Or does it and is it?

Main players keep up the heat as HnB continues its strong growth in Japan
15th December 2021 - News analysis |
Japan’s heated tobacco sector is continuing to grow strongly and to take market share from traditional cigarettes, with the main players releasing new devices and revamping their heat-not-burn (HnB) divisions

Concern grows over influencers’ social media promotion of tobacco products
10th November 2021 - Blog , News analysis |
The misleading advertising of tobacco alternatives on social media has become a critical concern of public health groups and some governments around the world

Market report: heated tobacco compatible products in South Korea
8th November 2021 - Heated tobacco market reports , Market reports |
This report focuses on compatible devices in South Korea, which are hardware that can be used with consumables designed for other devices produced by large tobacco companies

Altria sees revenue decline in Q3, but its oral portfolio is on the rise
29th October 2021 - News analysis |
Altria posted a 4.7% revenue decline in the third quarter of the year, mainly driven by the continuing poor performance of its smokable segment but neutralised by the growth of its oral products in the US

PMI’s heated tobacco business on the up despite warnings of disruption in US
20th October 2021 - News analysis |
Philip Morris International (PMI)’s net revenues were up by 9.1% in the third quarter of 2021 thanks to the growth of its heated tobacco segment

Patents for HnB and smokeless tobacco products on the rise, research finds
18th October 2021 - News analysis |
Patents for tobacco alternatives have been booming in recent times as tobacco companies position themselves as contributors to a smoke-free world

US International Trade Commission bans imports of PMI’s Iqos HeatSticks
1st October 2021 - News analysis |
PMI and its distributor Altria Group must stop importing Iqos consumables in the US, according to a ruling issued by the US International Trade Commission (ITC)

Is Big Tobacco growing environmentally friendly – or is it merely greenwash?
29th September 2021 - Blog , News analysis |
Tobacco corporations seem to be accelerating their commitment towards more sustainable businesses, investing in projects to reduce environmental harm caused by tobacco-alternative devices

False beliefs about tobacco alternatives are themselves a public health problem
23rd September 2021 - Blog , News analysis |
“Misinformation poses a real threat to progress” in a major area of public health concern, we’re told – and this time it’s about the dangers of tobacco-alternative products

PMI launches Iqos Iluma in Japan, with new induction-heating technology
17th August 2021 - News analysis |
Philip Morris International (PMI) has launched Iqos Iluma in Japan today as part of the company’s plan to achieve a smoke-free future

Vectura’s board supports ‘fair’ £1.2bn PMI takeover bid; shareholders to decide
13th August 2021 - News analysis |
The board of UK health firm Vectura has recommended that shareholders support the £1.2bn takeover bid from tobacco giant PMI

Hardly any US teens use heated tobacco, but that doesn’t stop the fearmongering
12th August 2021 - Blog , News analysis |
Despite heated tobacco products being barely available in the US, it is now officially the next monstrous threat facing America’s youth

Will the UK government end up blocking PMI-Vectura deal in the public interest?
5th August 2021 - Blog , News analysis |
The proposal of Philip Morris International (PMI) to acquire inhaled drug delivery company Ventura for $1.2bn has alerted the UK government, which can block the deal if it sees any major public interest reason to do so

Altria announces delay in US Iqos rollout, posts revenue boost for oral tobacco
29th July 2021 - News analysis |
Altria has presented positive numbers for the first half of the year, while also announcing a delay in further expansion of Iqos consumables in the US until a patent infringement case is resolved

Why is the boss of Marlboro maker PMI talking up the end of smoking days?
29th July 2021 - Blog , News analysis |
Jacek Olczak, CEO of Philip Morris International (PMI), says the company could stop selling combustible cigarettes in the UK within a decade

PMI raises its sights for 2021 as Europe leads the rush towards heated tobacco
20th July 2021 - News analysis |
Philip Morris International (PMI)’s net revenues were up by 10% in the first half of 2021, with smoke-free products accounting for 28.5% of the total

PMI is busy reinventing itself as Big Tobacco prepares for life after smoking
15th July 2021 - Blog , News analysis |
Philip Morris International (PMI) has always been one of the frankest tobacco companies when it comes to speaking of the smoke-free future – now it is taking positive steps in a bold new direction

PMI acquisition of gums manufacturer ‘shows company strategy on alternatives’
12th July 2021 - News analysis |
PMI’s acquisition of Fertin Pharma, a Danish manufacturer of gums and other oral products, indicates the company’s strategy to ensure “corporate survival” in the tobacco-alternatives sector, experts believe

The Japanese innovation that could help normalise heated tobacco everywhere
1st July 2021 - Blog , News analysis |
A new development in Japan sets an example which proponents of harm reduction could do well to advocate elsewhere – the increasing trend toward heated-tobacco-only areas in public spaces

Judge believes PMI HeatSticks infringe two BAT patents in the US
18th May 2021 - News analysis |
A judge of the US International Trade Commission (ITC) believes Philip Morris International (PMI)’s Iqos heated tobacco sticks infringe patents owned by British American Tobacco (BAT)

Iqos 3 MRTP approval gets closer as US FDA starts substantive review
14th May 2021 - News analysis |
The US FDA considers that the Modified Risk Tobacco Product Application (MRTP) for Philip Morris International (PMI)’s Iqos 3 holder and charger is “sufficiently complete” to start a substantive review

Altria moves On! with full ownership of expanding nicotine pouches brand
29th April 2021 - News analysis |
Altria has confirmed its full-year guidance for 2021 and full acquisition of its nicotine pouches business despite a dip in total company earnings for the first quarter of the year